Hayashi Senkou Sutte No.10-37g #SN-04 Red and White Matsuba*เหยื่อตกหมึก/โยทะกา

SKU : 4988540603041
300 THB 270 THB
2.7 Point
Product status : Deliver

Hayashi Senkou Sutte No.10-37g #SN-04 Red and White Matsuba


Barcode 4988540603041
Name Hayashi Senkou Sutte No.10-37g #SN-04 Red and White Matsuba*เหยื่อตกหมึก/โยทะกา
Brand Hayashi
Category All (C) Fishing Lures
Model Hayashi Senkou Sutte No.10-37g #SN-04 Red and White Matsuba
Lures Weight 37 g.
Type Sinking
Size No.10
Price 270 THB